Saturday, January 10, 2009

The sun behind the clouds ...

I am hopeful this morning.
I can feel the sun rising in my heart, and emerging from behind the clouds.

This morning, it dawned on me ...

YES, to witness the sun rise and the sun set is without a doubt a magnificent sight. On a cloudy day, though, it can be an even more magnificent sight -- sometimes we have to remain in the murkiness of a cloudy day and the chaos and turbulence of our emotions. Sometimes we have to simply trust, to believe, to have faith ... that tomorrow will arrive, the clouds will pass, and YES the sun will rise again with all its glory, and the sun will set.... and in the darkness, we sometimes have to hold on tight to our north star.

I admit, it's hard to embrace the cloudy, stormy days. They are necessary though. And every day presents itself with new opportunities of growth for me. Every day I find myself in the ebb and flow of life. Every day its a process of holding on and letting go.

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