My partner has also begun her own project: A mandala a day. Her excitement for mandalas has triggered a curiosity in me to learn more as well. I stumbled across an incredible artist Sally Horne and her website Moonstone Mandala. I found the image above from her website. She shares more about it on her website and says her artwork was inspired by a David Whyte poem:
I want to write about faith
about the way the moon rises
over cold snow, night after night,
faithful even as it fades from fullness,
slowly becoming that last and impossible
slither of light before the final darkness.
But I have no faith myself
I refuse it the smallest entry.
Let this then, my small poem,
like a new moon, slender and barely open,
be the first prayer that opens me to faith.
I want to write about faith
about the way the moon rises
over cold snow, night after night,
faithful even as it fades from fullness,
slowly becoming that last and impossible
slither of light before the final darkness.
But I have no faith myself
I refuse it the smallest entry.
Let this then, my small poem,
like a new moon, slender and barely open,
be the first prayer that opens me to faith.

and then I look around me ... 3 beautiful big black dogs and a tuxedo kitty, fast asleep. Ahnung snoring, Mister twitching in his sleep (he must be chasing bunnies!), Missy curled up as close to me as possible, and Henry burrowed in a blanket on the leather chair. Life really is simple. We often try to complicate matters ... maybe even think too much. My partner is using the mandala making process as a way to put the chaos of her mind and/or her life into order, symmetry. For me, I am reminded to how to simply be by our dogs ... and calm and peace come to me in my early mornings with meditation and writing.
Faith, the moon, mandalas, dogs, cats, trees, God ..... there's a thread that binds us all together, in this life time and in whatever comes after this.
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