Friday, July 5, 2024

Legacy ... when the body begins to slow down

 My sweet Legacy is 13 years old. He is slowing down and I am so grateful for the gift of this sweet boy. 13 years ago he arrived in the cities from Leech Lake reservation with 12 other puppies. I was supposed to just foster him and this boy wiggled his way into my heart. He also brought out a playful side of Ahnung I had never seen before. As I walk alongside of Legacy as he begins to show signs of aging and slowing down I embrace moments with him with so much gratitude. On mornings where we are able to get out to the water and watch the sunrise, and where he shows joy and curiosity for all the wonderful smells and critters that are around, it fills my heart. I do notice my mind wandering to a time when he will no longer walk with me to the water, and my heart fills with sadness. I pause and stroke his head, his body and I find myself wanting to memorize every moment and how his fur feels on my hand, the markings on his body ... his beautiful bushy tail. There is a deep pain and heaviness when I think about the time when I will no longer have him with me. I also know that when it is time for him to transition that his beloved Ahnung will be there waiting for him. Anticipatory Grief has been making her presence known and felt within my heart ... I invite her in. She often comes with Ahnung and when she does, I feel a sense of comfort. There is a bond the two of them shared that goes beyond this physical existence. 

Today, I give myself grace to allow whatever feelings need to emerge ... dear sweet Ahnung, please continue to watch over your baby brother.