I would never have imagined our household with 3 beautiful big black dogs and a tuxedo kitty cat .... i love to watch their personalities shine through. Mister and Henry are the best of friends.

And as you can see, a common site is all 3 dogs sharing an extra large LL Bean dog bed. When I was contemplating on whether or not I should adopt Ahnung there was concern about adding a third big dog to the mix, about two female dogs being able to get along together, especially since Missy can sometimes act alpha-like (i know it's really insecurity on her part so she just tries to act tough at times ;-)) --- something in my gut told me that everything would work out just fine. There was, and continues to be, something very unique and special about the energy Ahnung emits that told me that everything would be okay and that everyone would get along just fine.

Ahnung's calm, confident and wise spirit somehow resonates with all who comes across her, both humans and animals.
Today, she is looking forward to "working" and spending time with at-risk youth at The Lab. You can read more about her first visit on their website. She's excited that an entire curriculum is being developed around her and she works to share her story and touch parts of the wounded human spirit that often remains untouched.

Everything in life happens for a reason. I have always believed that. We all have a purpose for why we are here ... i'm constantly figuring it out and my path is constantly evolving. I am grateful for that. I am grateful for all I learn from the wisdom, playfulness, resilience, and forgiving nature of animals.

We all have a purpose? We all have something inside of us that makes us feel alive.
When you look in the mirror what do you see?