Whispers from Rainbow Bridge
It is time now.
In your arms,
I close my eyes to rest.
I feel the pain of your longing --
to see me chase squirrels
to touch my soft, velvet coat
to feed me organic carrot sticks
Do not cry - I am still with you.
Close your eyes.
Listen to the silence, and feel my spirit.
I am here with you,
in the wind brushing against your skin,
in the cries of my four-legged friends, abandoned and abused
in the savory taste of a vanilla soy steamer, shared in community
Death is not something to fear.
It is a time of celebration,
a time of transformation,
a time to simply learn a new language.
I will wrap my paws around you,
lick your tears away,
and together we can learn this new language,
and forever, remain connected.

- Marilou (July, 2007)